Work Process For One Illustrated Key Art Poster
Stage 1: 80% of project fee is due.
5-8 rough thumbnail sketches provided to show idea and composition. Reference and description included to show illustration style/content. In the event of cancellation after this concept stage, a kill fee of 50% of total project fee will be implemented.
Stage 2: One idea is chosen to move forward with. A formal B&W line drawing is done to 1 sheet size, acting as a blueprint for the final illustration. *In some instances, a rough photographic mock up may instead serve as the blueprint.
Stage 3: All (or majority) of revisions should take place in the formal B&W line drawing/blueprint stage. Once approved, final execution begins.
Stage 4: Final execution of illustration. Color tweaks and/or type changes within reason can be done if necessary. Any repaints/redraws billed at $125/hour.
Stage 5: An RGB layered PSD file at 27″x40″ at 300 dpi is handed over, unless stated differently from start of project. Remaining 20% of project fee is due. *Any breakouts to other sizes/templates will accrue additional fees.